Circle Out! 彩色圈圈(附中規) 鐵盒英文版

Circle Out! 彩色圈圈(附中規) 鐵盒英文版

遊戲時間|30 分鐘

特惠價:$320 NTD


Circle Out!

彩色圈圈( 附中規) 鐵盒


The new and exciting Circle Out! game will challenge both your friends and your family. It will stretch your mind as you look for circles among the triangles.

Circle Out! game is one of the great modern classics. It calls upon parts of your brain that rarely get much exposure. For this reason, little children can often gain an advantage over adults who are just beginning to learn the game. Playing the game is an excellent visual memory exercise. Circle Out is filled with strategy – and winning is never a simple matter of chance.


To play the game shuffle the deck and lay out 12 - 16 cards on the table. All players must race to find the most circles of the largest size.

Players should not touch the cards until a circle has been found. When you find one, say "Circle!" and then you may take the cards that form your circle.

One predetermined player will lay out additional cards to replace the ones that have been taken. Continue to play until all of the cards are gone. Two decks may be combined to lengthen the game.

What? Circles? All I can see are triangles! Think of each card as a link that belongs to a chain. A circle happens when the ends of your chain come (link) together.

Just remember that same colors link together and that triangles on the top may only link to triangles on the bottom and vice versa. For example, a blue triangle at the bottom right corner of a card will link to any blue triangle at the top left corner of another card.


Circles of three are worth 1 point, circles of four are worth 2 points, circles of five are worth 3 points, circles of six are worth 4 points and circles of seven cards are worth 5 points.

Or just subtract 2 from the total number of cards in your circle and that is how many points it is worth. For example, a five-card circle is worth 3 points (5 - 2 = 3).

There can be up to seven cards per circle only because there are only seven colors. Each color may only be represented once in each circle by one top triangle and one bottom triangle.


作者|Joseph Lytle



遊戲時間|30 分鐘

遊戲類型| 派對


牌套需求|(參考自BGG網站) 查無資料






