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This is an expansion! Spirecrest requires the Everdell base game to play. This upgrade pack allows owners of the Everdell base game and expansions to get the upgraded components from the Everdell Complete Collection (Minus the storage Box) without needing to buy anything they already have.
繁體中文版 本方案包含: (1) 5張異畫科林·埃弗特爾牌 (2) 1本遊戲規則全解讀(金皮書) (3) 1本卡牌規則詳解(仙境檔案) (4) 1本計分本 (5) 10個額外佔用標記和貼紙 (6) 18個金色佔用標記和貼紙 (7) 20個金屬6分標記 (8) 300+張米寶貼紙 (9) 5張簽名紀念卡 (10) 8個軟質塑膠座椅